Saturday, January 12, 2008

Why are there so many kids on medication?

So many brains are being screw up by medication.
Most kids are taking meds for AD(H)D. And more and more are taking meds for bipolar.
Experts say that the symptoms of these illness include hyperactive and tantrum. Most of the time, kids are put on mind-altering drugs just by these two symptoms alone. Most of the time the people who tell the parent to get their kids check out are teachers. Most doctors who prescribe the meds are not psychiatric experts, they are just normal pediatrician.

Well, here is my non-professional opinion: What kid are not hyperactive, what kid don't have tantrum? Kids should be hyperactive. Kids have tantrum. The teachers who urge parents to put their kids on medication are just lazy and incompetent. The parent who didn't have recommendation and just request doctors to put their kids on meds are fucking horrible piece of shit who are just to god damn fucking lazy and patient to raise children.

The human mind should be just left alone if it doesn't have major illness/disorder. What I mean major are cancer, mental retardation, and head trauma. What I consider non-major illness/disorder and the brain should be left alone are ADD, ADHD, and autism. Some autistic people are genius, savant.

We should let our mind be.
The human brain is not broken, we should not fix what is not broken.
The human mind should be free, no one else or thing should control how our neuron move.
The human mind is primitive, yet a wonderful and beautiful thing, we should not try to improve what is already near perfect.
The human mind is sacred. Holier than any thing else.

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