Saturday, May 31, 2008

Party like a rock star

Not really, but parties are fun.

The quiz bowl party is, as always, at Al-Mar. Not every one on the team went, the only senior that show up was Kapil.
Vince, Liz, Heather, and I was in a team. Meg, Brand, Zack, and Andrew was on a team.
I sucked, the highest score out of the three games is 75, the lowest was 35.
Andrew sucked at first, then he was a beast.
Liz was good at one game but was ok at the others. She was really good when Kapil was there.
Heather bowled with an injured knee, and did pretty good for a person throwing the ball the speed of a turtle.

I went to Ben B's grad party. It was fun. The wind was so strong. It blew away many food and forks. Joel, Eric H, another Eric, and I talked about Transformer and other shows.
Ben owns the cutest kitten. Emily, Jeremy, Amy, and I spent an hour with the kitty. Jeremy and I took so many pictures and videos.
I ate something NEW! I didn't know of this combination before. Popcorn plus chocolate

My question is: Should I throw a grad party next year?

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