Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I want some alone time.

They really should lower the adult age. I mean one can be a legal adult at age of 16 or at lest file for emancipation.

I can't stand them. Sure parent are loving and stuff, but they won't leave me alone. (>.<) Not having a room is really not helping. I can't even enjoy TV or any thing. They won't shut up. All day do is judge, not just me but any thing, but I have to listen. The generation gap is also very big, the era of the last generation and this one is very different in Hong Kong.

What annoys me is that they always talk during a TV show, and ask question right when something happens. They almost always miss the answer to their question while asking the question. Another thing is that they are really skeptical of anything. Judge every thing, very stereotypical. I hate to say it but my parent are primitive. Some time they treat me like a very little kid. One time my mom want to rearrange my wallet because my bills are not stack nicely. They always want to do stuff for me, let me try stuff on my own, for the love of buddha.

Some time I am afraid that I am the smartest person with in the family right now.

I just want to be alone for a while, independence. When I want to be with some one, I'll find my self a future wife to be with.

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