Thursday, March 13, 2008

This is a triumph. I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS!

>03/13/2008 13:50 PM EST
>Room 118
>Instructor: Mr. Dill
>Class: Honor Pre-Calculus
>A knock on the door.
>The student teacher answer the door.
>She return with a large pile of yellow office slips.
>She handed it to Mr. Dill.
>Mr. Dill read the names on the papers.
>03/13/2008 13:53 PM EST
>The people who got named, all but five students, left the room.
>They got intercepted by four student and was order to hold.
>All the students received a packet of information and a Hershey Milk Chocolate bar.
>The packets and the chocolate bars are to inform the students that
> they have been inducted into the National Honor Society.
>All the students were GLaD.

I was and still am happy.
No one knew what was going on when they called us down. Some of us joked about getting into trouble or someting.
I feel a bit sad for those five that didn't get inducted.
But I feel happy for me and my friends who did.

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